Bienvenidos al Tour ETSINavales

En este Blog se muestran modelos 3D, visitas virtuales al Centro, fotografías y videos para que todos aquellos que esteis considerando estudiar en Navales podáis tener un primer contacto con el lugar donde completareis vuestra formación.

Isaac Peral y Caballero

This is one of the last "Isaac Peral y Caballero" prototype designs, created by FuVe-E, an interuniversitary association of students with head quarters in Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Navales.

With this Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) they achieved the semifinals in the 2012 ROBOSUB International Competition celebrated in San Diego, California.

FuVe-E is the first European team that reaches this extraordinary qualification in this hard competition between a group of the most important Universities around the world.

Some FuVe-E members & Isaac Peral y Caballero

In this post you can see most of the models designed in order to create the final prototype. 
Enjoy some of the models in the interactive 3D Viewer by cronological order.

Prototype 1

Prototype 2

Prototype 3

Prototype 4

Prototype 5

Prototype 6

Prototype 7

Protype 8 

Prototype 9

Prototype 10

Prototype 11 

GREAT JOB FuVe-E!!!!!!!

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