Bienvenidos al Tour ETSINavales

En este Blog se muestran modelos 3D, visitas virtuales al Centro, fotografías y videos para que todos aquellos que esteis considerando estudiar en Navales podáis tener un primer contacto con el lugar donde completareis vuestra formación.


Este modelo fue creado por Francisco Pérez Arribas, profesor de la ETSINavales y la estudiante Aziza Al Mazuzi creó los detalles.
Información sobre este modelo: 

LOA: 4.60 m
BOA: 1.55 m
T: 0.32 m

This craft in a stepped planing hull type. It dates from the 1960's and was designed for water races in lakes that were popular in the US at that time. The stepped hull concept is used today in high speed crafts, because it reduces the hull wetted surface at planing speeds, and produces a softer ride since the hull pivots near the step edge.
It is interesting to notice that the high speed crafts of that date were base on automobile concepts (notice how the part of the craft over the water resembles a vintage sport car) and on aerodynamics:
the stepped hulls were based in the flying hydroplanes floating bodies.
The speed depends on the installed motor, normally a car motor of that time, but speeds over 30 knots are possible for this craft, in still water.

1 comentarios:

webmaster.navales dijo...

Este modelo ha sido seleccionado para el 3DVIA Top 10 3D Models – 111.
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